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Your Support is Critical to Our Success


The Champaign County History Museum exists because of its supporters.  As one of the only museums in Champaign County without recurring revenue from taxable sources, we rely on the generosity of our members, donors, and visitors to preserve the stories from our past. 



The Museum is a 501c3 organization, and your contributions are tax-deductible.  Our Federal Employee Identification Number is 37-0984369.

Annual Membership


The best way to support the museum is through annual membership.  These funds pay for the daily operations and staffing of the museum including the preservation and upkeep of our historic home, the Cattle Bank.  Your annual membership creates a stable financial foundation that allows us to plan for the future. 

One Time Donations


While memberships help us keep our doors open, our one-time donations help us thrive!  We are always looking for ways to make our museum better and donations like these can help us make big plans!  Whether you are looking for end-of-the-year giving opportunities or just looking to make a difference, we would love to speak with you about donating to the museum.

Special Projects


From time to time, the museum launches targeted fundraising campaigns to raise money for specific purchases.  We typically run these campaigns through our social media accounts such as Facebook to maximize their national reach.  


Active Projects

Give to Our Endowment


The museum maintains an endowment through the Community Foundation of East Central Illinois.  This fund is made available for the museum to maintain its vast collection including purchasing storage materials and other archival items to ensure that our collection is stable for generations to come.  


Consider an Estate Gift


Are you looking for a way to make your gift last for future generations?  Estate Gifts have the ability to transform an organization like ours.  We would be happy to speak to you about setting up such a gift.  Email to set up a meeting.

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